Freestyle Friday - What product did you purchase for papercrafting do you regret?

Good Morning Everyone! I'm at the in of my mass clean up of my papercrafting area. I'm happy that I'm getting things organized the way I want. However, I've come across some items that I purchased and I have been wondering "WHAT WAS I THINKING" when I got them. One such item was the original Xyron Runner which operated using interchangeable discs. You would be able to put images on your project by simply taking the Runner and gliding it across the paper. Sounds cool huh? Well, I remember doing it one time and that was all she wrote. Did I mention that when I bought the machine I had to have at least four extra discs? After that one time experience with it, the machine and all of the accessories sat in the dark corner of the abyss, never to be seen again:)

Now you know the papercrafting industry is always releasing new products constantly. Some have been awesome and others not so much. With that in mind and BEING REAL, what product did you purchase do you regret? Don't forget to leave a comment, you might just be surprised!


  1. Ive been wanting to get one of these but never can afford it. How come you didnt like it?

  2. I bought one of those circular cutters and could not get it to cut a circle to save my sanity! In fact, I broke something off of it. I will never buy one of those things again. It was hard to figure out how to make it work and then I never did get it to work! LOL!

  3. The things I use the least and probably could have done without are my paper crimper and my crop a dile. Although my crop a dile has come in handy to make new holes on my belts a time or two!

  4. Lisa, I bought one too but luckily got it thru QVC and was able to return it. It was just way to much work to use. I wanted instant results ... LOL

  5. I bought a Xyron that uses cartridges. I thought the sticker cartridge would be good for die cut letters but there is so much excess glue around the edges that it isn't worth the trouble of having to clean each letter up. I also have a magnet cartridge but the projects turn out looking fairly cheesy - just not the quality I'm used to.

  6. Hilarious, I read the title of your post and thought my one regret is the Xyron Design runner!! LOL!! Then I read your post and really had to laugh. What a waste of money.

  7. omgoodness! I too read your title and automatically thought of the Design Runner! I played with it once or twice and that is it!! I still have it and the bag that it came with on my shelf unused! I don't know how many discs I have but I know it is too many! It's funny how you think you have to have it NOW but you never use it!

  8. Isn't it funny how we all pretty much picked the same item? I wasn't really happy with what the Xyron did. I think I like gadgets too much, and this one just didn't make the cut!


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